by Kristin

I got 9 tips on how to warm the house without electricity.

Germany is known for their deep winters. Minus 20 degrees, 4 meters of snow and then the electricity got shut off.  We haven’t had such deep winters in many years. However this time feels like there are coming back even without the heavy falling snow who cut off cities. Rather than that we got cut off on decent energy prices. 

Candles, blankets, thermo wear, snow shuffling, wanderings, good talks and warming food kept us warm. I call it budget warming.  Energy prices are sky rocking. The question is what else can I do? I feel like my hands are tied and the only way is to keep moving forward. We don’t have to spent too much money for energy prices this season.

These are my tips to get through this winter.

1. Hug the thermo wear.

It may sound stupid to add layers to your wardrobe, this works. I’m a big fan of the onion look. Taking of layers when it gets warm is better than looking for that extra layer when in need.  When I travel by land or air I always wear a functional thermo item that helps me stay warm. It’s light, functional and fits in every hand luggage. It’s affordable, fits like a second skin, the variety is big from long sleeve, pants, socks, jackets etc… to keep me warm.

2. Heat up less rooms in the house.

The one you are spending most time in working, chilling and eating make that cozy. When your bedroom is set apart form other rooms embrace the fresh air with new oxygen in a colder room. It helps you sleep better.

3. Heat your house up with calories.

Energy comes in many ways. We know gas, electricity, liquid gas, solar and there are other forms available like calories.
Did you know when we do 10 burpee’s, jumping jack’s or 10 minutes yoga our body produces energy?

When I sit for a long time behind my desk in the music studio my body shuts down in temperature. To make sure to keep myself warm I have to walk around and get my body moving. Therefor I get up and go for a run in the morning so my blood flows all day to keep me warm.

paris fashion week Kristin Schrot

4. Soups and meals you can warm up.

Soup is cost effective. Having a big bowl of soup with goodies can feed the family for more days. We prepare it ones, can vary the soup with toppings and other ingredients for each day and only have to warm it up.

What did we save?

  • headache on what to cook for the other day
  • energy
  • time for other cool things

Try my favorite receipt The Mediterranean Thai Curry Soup or Indonesian Saoto Soup

5. Spice it up. 

It’s little and every little bit becomes a lot. Some spices make our temperature rise, they stimulate our blood flow and body temperature for more warmth. We can add them to our cooking and make fresh thee from them.

Here is a list of such spices:

  • Ginger

  • Cayenne pepper

  • Cinnamon

  • Cardamon

  • Nutmeg

  • Anise

  • Rosemary

Alone the smell of these herbs give me a feeling of relaxation and I forget what’s going on around me.

6. Wim Hof

Wim Hof Method

Wim Hof Method in snow w DJ Miss Nine

You may have heard it by now the Wim Hof method.
This one works, I only do it when all other options are not successful. I tried it and I love a good warm bath and shower, which is more my thing. 
Is it yours? 

Then you don’t have to worry this winter. Wim Hof’s method has many health benefits. Read more about the iceman and his method.

7. Get out the door.

Meet up with friends in public spaces, at restaurants, have fund or work in the office. Get on the bicycle to keep your body warm and fit at the same time so you arrive warmed up at home from work.

8. Let’s party. 

Organize a get to getter with friends. The change is bigger that no heating is needed for such an event. People are excited, bring the to finally get together again with good talks, drinks, snacks.
Make memories that last!

9. Listen to music.

To a heart warming album such as the Taylor Swift Album or let me take you on a journey in one of the Nine Sessions by Miss Nine monthly mixes to discover new music, to get you grooving and stay motivated with your workouts. 

Which tip you gonna take with you this winter?

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