by Kristin

Sometimes it feels like there’s more week than money.

And then you remember that you still have to buy groceries, entertain the family! Maybe you’ve even worriedly wondered what to eat when you’re broke?

For many households, especially students and creatives, food and groceries are their second big expense after housing. To be creative we need to eat good, satisfy the hunger to have more energy to think more of the creative process, feel good after and to keep the blood sugar in balance to be productive.

This inexpensive recipe will stretch your budget and brings happiness.

This is what we need.


  • rice

  • tofu or chicken

  • mango chutney

  • olive oil

  • salt & pepper

  • water

Cook the rice, prepare the chicken and/or tofu and bake it goldfish brown as you like it. Wash the pok choy and fry it in a little bit of olive oil separate. Mix 3-4 spoons of mango chutney with hot water and sprinkle on the meal.

Pretty easy steps, aren’t they?

Two different dishes made in a short time and the best part is when you cook more, the next day you can take it to work and add some cashew nuts, it tastes even better. It safes you time, stress to cook something good where your body will thank you later.

Try it and leave a comment on one of my socials.


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