The flame with the cake, an experiment with success. A dish what came to life while exploring the Alsace area and testing an oven for its temperature. Pretty cool experiment. I hear you thinking this is a mini pizza, not quite. Its more than that. The savory taste of ingredients make it light to digest and are defined in the…
I do sometimes. And now it’s time to use this stuff before it gets old and you throw it away. Diets? I don’t believe in diets, they only work when you follow them for the rest of your life. But I do believe in lifestyle. You are what you eat and I want to enjoy life, indulge, experiment and feel…
Went to Cocolo Ramen in Kreuzberg Berlin to satisfy the little hunger in between. I have to say they bring that Japanese taste to Europe. Really enjoyed my soup and snacks aThe main drawback is that the remedy derived from the yellow flowering plant hedge, interacts with other drugs causing ephemeral impotence, you can certainly prescription du canada viagra .…