I’m deeply in shock that Tim left us with the age of 28.
I posted this picture on my Instagram today which was taken before a take off from Sri Lanka airport to India for a show Avicii and I played together.

I still can’t and don’t want to believe that this is true.
We lost an amazing, sweet, humbled, musician who made a big impact on the today’s electronic music scene.
Avicii is has been a true pleasure to have known you as a human, a wonderful artist, be on tours with you, sharing planes, great music and funny moments, laugh with you and seeing you grow in your career.
You passed away too soon.
We’ll miss you but your music will stay.
Later at night, I read a few other posts on Instagram from artists who also knew about Tim ’s ups and downs who made me write and share the following.
I know that there are other people out there who struggle with similar things in life and don’t talk or ask for help on time.
It’s important to keep your eyes and ears open to support and help each other.
Therefore I recommend watching the True Stories of Avicii on Netflix to have an idea of what this young kid went through.
