This week marks the week where the world wide music industry normally converges on Amsterdam for a week of networking, promoting, gigs and connecting with our friends and peers to celebrate the music scene.

I’ve been attending the @amsterdamdanceevent (almost) every year and built a large part of my career on the connections made at this event. My industry is very much based on who you know and ADE has also been the perfect platform for everyone from the A list to up and comings to meet, share and talk about what we all love MUSIC

With the industry in a world wide state of turmoil.. now more than ever it’s important that we stayed connected, that we share, we reach out and stay focused on the positives.. things WILL get better, it’s just a matter of time.. stay focus, stay grounded, stay connected, stay compassionate towards your peers…
We are all in this together and together we can re create our industry.