A quick reminder to when life does not go according to plan.
When we can’t control what is happening at this very moment we are living in. Can we change the situation? Yes, we can. Let it go, loose control and gain balance.
Plow the energy into controlling the few other things we can.
Here are my top 9 things to take control:
1. Your attitude
2. Your thoughts.
3. The people you surround yourself with.
4. How you treat others.
5. Your physical well-being.
6. Whether you ask for help or not.
7. Your gratitude towards what you have.
8. Whether or not if you try one more time after a setback.
9. Your daily habits.
Your physical well being.
Moving around is bringing oxygen to each organ in our body. Oxygen renews cells together with good food.
Every kind of movement is good, slow, fast, walks, strolls everything counts. How to motivate oneself? Music is my teacher when I need extra inspiration. Besides listening to the radio I like to listen to Nine Sessions. Every month I create those mixes fresh form the kitchen with the finest tracks from that moment with classics from the past and gems you have not heard anywhere else.
The mixes are a 1hr journey, perfect for a work out, stroll in the park, cycling session because Its starts with deep house and towards the middle more energy comes in place to elevate the listener to a higher state what will bring out the best and more positivity in you. Without doubt you will feel the difference in your body after.
Listen to it for free on Soundcloud.com/missnine & iTunes. Subscribing to the iTunes podcast channel gives you the benefit to get notified , every time when a new mix is ready.
Your daily habits.
A good morning routine can safe the day. I like to begin the day with a glass of water and a breakfast full of nutritions that will keep me satisfied for a long time. In contrast to other breakfast options I like to know what’s in my food. Providing my body with good fuel is essential to me. So I created my own Granola for no more cravings.
Not only is it good for breakfast but also good for a snack in the middle of the day with greek yoghurt and pieces of other fresh fruit such as Bananas.
Your thoughts.
Our thoughts can run thousand miles per hour. The more we learn the better we need to store that data. Nobody is telling us how to store so that we can recall it when we need it. Is this called memory? Maybe?
Along with our busy schedules we sometimes forget things and can’t connect the dots to solve a puzzle. Therefor its essential to take good care of thoughts and our mental health. What helped me in stress full situations is taking power naps, eating healthy colorful food, yoga and sometimes meditation when I have the patience and time for that.
Did you know that going for a stroll on the beach is similar to meditation?
Along the many hours I spent traveling I like to feel comfortable. House Of Gravity caught my attention after I found out about their DNA. This sustainable active & day wear clothing brand brings the best out of every women with ambitions. Not only when wearing it in the gym or to yoga but also on the streets, when meeting up with friends or having a business meeting.
When we feel comfortable we often get more accomplished.